Aukštesnė kategorija: Pasauliečiai pranciškonai Dieveniškėse Kategorija: Pavyzdžiai
gan·try (gan′trē) noun
Gantry is a sophisticated Joomla template framework with the sole intention of being the best platform to build a solid template with. Gantry takes all the lessons learned during the development of many RocketTheme templates and distils that knowledge into a single super-flexible framework that is easy to configure, simple to extend, and powerful enough to handle anything we want to throw at it.
The Gantry framework is packed with many great features that enable the rapid development of feature-rich designs with a minimum amount of effort. We've also gone to great lengths to enhance the standard Joomla administration user interface to make configuring a Gantry-powered template easier than ever before. Check out a sampling of the features Gantry brings to the table:
The Gantry library is a separate from the templates that use it. It is installed separately as com_gantry (although will not appear under Components in the Joomla Administrator). Therefore, to update Gantry, you just need to reinstall through the Joomla interface rather than manually edit files in the template.
Each template will have a bundle download option available to install both the template and the Gantry library at the same time, in conjunction with a standalone download.
The administrative interface for Gantry is one of, if not the, most extensive and intuitive Joomla administrators in the community as a whole today. Gantry takes the template parameter ability of Joomla and takes it to the next level with a robust, diverse, functional and overall, substantial array of options to control, essentially, all aspects of the template.
The options are subdivided into various categories:
Unikaliame geografiniu, istoriniu ir biologiniu požiūriu Lietuvos kampelyje galima išvysti vaizduotę audrinantį vaizdą – ant kalvos, iškilusi laukuose stūkso senovinė pilis. Tai – legendomis apipinta bei daugybę istorinių įvykių menanti Norviliškių pilis.
Dabar ši kadaise beveik sugriauta pilis prikelta naujam gyvenimui. Nuo šiol joje Renesanso ir Švietimo epochos dvasią galės pajusti kiekvienas norintis žmogus, ji yra atvira ir turistams, ir konferencijų dalyviams.
Aplink Dieveniškes – Goštautų žemės ir dvarai. Viename iš jų gyveno Barbora Radvilaitė, kuri melsdavosi Dieveniškių bažnyčioje, pirmąkart pastatytoje XV amžiaus viduryje.